Hip Flexor Exercise – Stretch
When it comes to hip flexor exercises, you may be interested in the anatomy of the hip flexors. There are four muscles that bend (flex) your hip joint. They are the psoas minor, the psoas major, the iliacus and the rectus femoris muscles.
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The hip flexors are difficult to stretch because they originate in your lower back or pelvis, and then cross the front of the hip joint. Tight hip flexor muscles can lead to issues in your lower back, groin and hip.
Here is one simple hip flexor stretch which you can do to improve your hip and knee ranges of movement. It is important that you do not bend your knee further than is comfortable. Also try not to arch your back, but rather tighten your tummy muscles and try to gently push your pubic bone downwards into the mat, in order to stretch the hip flexors more effectively.