Oh My Health

Should I be worried about my Swollen Ankle?

A swollen ankle is a very common symptom. There are many possible underlying conditions and diseases, which may cause a swollen ankle. It is therefore important to know when there is cause for concern, and you need to see a doctor with swollen legs, feet or ankles. 

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Most importantly, it is crucial to differentiate between a swollen ankle caused by an injury or joint disease, and the more prevalent swollen ankle which is a manifestation of peripheral edema (swelling). In the latter case, the edema is the result of the accumulation of fluid in the lower body regions, typically in the legs, feet, and ankles. Due to gravity, the retained fluid and the swelling are more noticeable in the lower body regions. 

Swelling in the legs, feet and ankles is usually not, in itself, a serious condition and it doesn’t cause any further health risks. However, a swollen ankle may be one of the signs of a serious underlying health condition. In this case it is important to get an immediate diagnosis and approprtiate treatment by medical professionals. 

The possible causes of a swollen ankle

In general, it is important to note that peripheral edema (swelling) is more likely to occur in the elderly. This is due to the fact that the underlying primary conditions – such as cardiovascular diseases, chronic venous insufficiency, and other chronic diseases – which may cause edema, are more prevalent in that age group. 

Furthermore, it is also important to differentiate between one-sided or both- sided edema. This differentiation can help to distinguish between the possible causes and underlying diseases. 

Lifestyle related, and other common causes of ankle swelling

Swollen ankles often occur during pregnancy

Medications which may cause lower body edema

The most common medications which may affect blood circulation by influencing the viscosity (thickness) of the blood are: 

Other medical conditions causing swollen ankle

A deep vein thrombosis or blood clot, may cause a swollen ankle. It is an extremely serious condition and requires immediate medical attention

Injury, inflammation or arthritis 

Injury, infection or chronic joint diseases may also cause a swollen ankle.  

Injury of the ankle joint. 

The most common reason for injury related ankle swelling are ankle sprains. If you twist your ankle, causing a sprain, the ligaments are injured, causing swelling, possible bruising and pain. 

It is also possible to fracture a bone or tear a muscle around your ankle, in the same manner. 

Muscles around the ankle become tendons. These tendons are crucially important to stabilize the ankle joint. If those tendons become inflamed, the condition is medically defined as a tendinopathy. 

Gout in the ankle.

Gout is a painful inflammatory arthritis, which usually occurs in the big toe but it may also affect the ankle joint. Typically gout presents with severe pain, especially at night, togther with pain, tenderness and inflammation.

Arthritis of the ankle joint

Chronic deterioration of the joint cartilage can lead to osteoarthritis of the ankle joint, with associated ankle swelling, stiffness and pain.

In the case of a painful ankle injury it is important to seek professional help from a medical doctor or physiotherapist. If symptoms persist following an ankle sprain, and are not settling within a couple of days, you should see a medical professional. 

In summary 

In the event of a swollen ankle, which presents together with one or more of the following symptoms, you should urgently go the emergency room, hospital or see your doctor as soon as possible

If you have a swollen ankle, in addition  to the symtoms described below, you should make an appointment and see a medical professional 

Some recommendations for home management 

These techniques and remedies may help if the underlying condition causing the swelling is not serious. You should experience effective relief, in order to be sure that there is no serious, underlying condition causing your swollen ankle. As stated previously, in the case when these remedies do not improve your symptoms within a day or two and / or the above-mentioned signs are shown, we highly recommend that you to see a doctor. 

Home remedies and advice 

Regular stretching and leg exercises many throughout the day may help to avoid swollen ankles
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