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R.I.C.E Injury Treatment – for Pain & Acute Injuries

R.I.C.E injury treatment methods include Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, and are known to be helpful for injuries in the first 48 hours, and for pain and swelling in general.

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If you have been unlucky enough to sustain an injury – a sprain, a pulled muscle, a bad bruise, a dislocation or suspected fracture, you can always follow these basic R.I.C.E injury treatment principals in order to help your recovery. This R.I.C.E protocol is particularly useful within the first few days after an injury, as this period is what is called the “inflammatory phase” and lasts from directly after the injury happens, until around day 6. Inflammation is a normal healthy process whereby your body creates the optimal environment for tissue healing. Without inflammation healing would not take place! Swelling is part of this inflammatory process, and it is a good idea to try to control the swelling so that it is not excessive. R.I.C.E injury treatment helps to reduce excessive swelling.

Remember that if you have a clearly broken bone, severe swelling, you cannot weight bear on the limb because it is just too painful, or you hear a distinctive pop, snap or crack you should see a doctor. You also cannot apply ice to an open wound. You should also never apply ice for longer than 20 minutes, and not more than 3 times per day.

What does R.I.C.E stand for? 

R.I.C.E stands for rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation

Here is some more information about each of the above elements relating to R.I.C.E injury treatment 


Help the injured area to recover by allowing it to rest. This may mean using crutches if you are unable to walk with a normal gait due to your injury. Or to stop doing activities or sports which aggravate the painful area. The length of time you need to “rest” completely depends on the severity and nature of the injury. After the initial rest period, it becomes very important to start gently moving the injured area in order to encourage the body to lay down healthy new collagen, in addition to the movement creating a pump like action which helps to flush out swelling. 


The cold ice causes the blood vessels to constrict (or narrow) around the injured tissues. This helps to stop excessive fluid collecting around the injured tissue. Too much swelling is not helpful as it creates a lot of stiffness – especially in a joint. 

You should only ice for 20 minutes at a time though, as longer than 20 minutes causes what we call “reflexive vasodilation” which is where the blood vessels then over react causing an increase in blood flow (and swelling) to the area! 

You should also always have a thin protective layer of some sort of fabric between your skin and the ice – you do not want the ice to stick to your skin, or cause an ice burn.

Guidelines for using ice on an acute injury:


Compression is also useful to prevent excessive swelling in the case of an acute injury. It is important to remember that you still need to allow for normal circulation and blood flow! Here are some general guidelines for compression:  

You can use elastic bandage (such as ACE bandages), or self-adherent compression bandages. 

Sometimes you may need a brace, boot, air-cast or splint which combines the effects of supporting the joint and at the same time providing compression. Your doctor or physical therapist will discuss the most appropriate options with you. 

Here are some more tips about compression


Elevating the injury above your heart, allows gravity to give your body a healing helping hand.

A word about anti-inflammatories

Inflammation following an injury is your body’s incredibly complex and miraculous process, which is set in motion in order to heal the damaged tissues. Inflammation is important, as without it you would not get tissue healing. Anti-inflammatory medications taken in the first 48 hours potentially disrupt this important process. You can read more about it in this article. It is not ideal to take anti-inflammatories in the initial inflammatory phase following an acute injury. Pain-killers, on the other hand, work on a different pathway and are okay to take! Speak to your doctor or pharmacist to give you the best advice.

To sum up about R.I.C.E injury treatment 

Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation help to reduce excessive swelling. 

Always consult your doctor if any of the following describe your acute injury:

We wish you a speedy recovery. There are plenty of articles on OhMy.Health for with more information on injuries, sources of pain, rehabilitation and strengthening, and even healthy recipes for good joint health. So keep checking the website, and join up if you would like to get the most recent and useful information…

Remember to be kind to your joints!

The Joint Gurus 

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